Monday, October 27, 2008

Lanao Media Peace Summit


We, the media workers from radio, print and television,
gathered here for the Lanao Media Peace Summit commit
ourselves to improve our reportage in Lanao and in Mindanao
by ensuring that we deliver balance, accurate, and responsible
reports to the public;

While we struggle to understand the conflicts in Mindanao,
we also declare that we are stakeholders in the quest for peace in Lanao
and in Mindanao;

We are witnesses to the visible and invisible damages of armed
conflicts in Lanao; recognize the human rights violations
done by both rebels and soldiers to innocent children, women,
and the aged in this recent armed conflicts as evidenced by
massive displacement, torching of houses, indiscriminate
killings and lootings of properties;

Amid these sad realities, we consensually agreed to ask the
Government of the Republic of the Philippines and the
Moro Islamic Liberation Front (MILF) to bring all issues
and concern to the negotiating table and to resume the
peace talks as soon as possible;

To this effect, we further ask the government to reconstitute
its peace panel that will be composed with qualified Mindanawans;

Recognizing the need to enhance our knowledge and skills,
we invite the civil society to help provide us appropriate
assistance through trainings and workshops to improve our
capabilities as media workers of our respective communities,
as well as provide a platform where we can ventilate our issues
and concern;

Done this 25th of October 2008 during the Lanao Media Peace
Summit held at Maria Cristina Hotel of Iligan city.